Long time no blog! Let’s start from the start…

Published by Matt Setchell on

  It’s no surprise I haven’t kept to my blogging, I moved into my own house in September, I have been trying my best to help my 2 kids fit into new schools and nurseries and on the rare occasion I am not working or being a single dad I have been testing out dating websites. They suck, by the way.

Anyway, personal stuff aside, what have I been up to?

Team expansion

We were a little worried when one of the middle schools we support decided to become an RSA Academy, however because of how happy the SLT is there we actually got another first school which now shares an executive head with the middle school and now run the IT for them both!

This was really exciting for us as it meant we would have the challenge of piggybacking the new school onto one of our current networks. 

 Challenges included using a single exchange, two sims installs on one network, setting up smooth wall for both sites and quite a few more.

Pleasingly it went very well. No major issues.

We then heard from a larger middle school that we had approached, and come January we will be supporting them, taking the total to 7 schools. We will also be employing more staff and other exciting changes. There could be more in the pipeline as well before Christmas. But 7 is enough for now…!

There have been lots of other exciting work stuff, and some in the pipeline but won’t mention them all now as I struggle to blog as it is! Safe to say a new SAN is on its way and lots more Windows tablets. But also details on upgrading to Windows 10 at 7 schools! As well as other stuff I cannot disclose yet! 

Apple Watch and iPhone 

  So I bought an Apple Watch. And I upgraded to an iPhone 6 as well. Despite the upgrade via Carphone warehouse being one of the worst experiences of my life, I am really happy with both.

I have never been an Apple fanboy. I find their products over priced and missing features that other phones have as standard. 

However I was across Eco systems, Windows phone, ipad, Windows laptop, Apple TV and it just wasn’t working for me. 

I decided that being able to sync usage from my iPad and my iPhone was more important then these devices being able to interface say with my laptop. I would never edit documents on my phone or tablet, but I would like to share purchases between my mobile devices and my Apple TV. 

The biggest thing I missed on my Windows phone was apps. And the quality of apps. In no small part, the main reason I left Windows phone was how shite the Facebook app was.

I love the Windows phone OS and Windows 10 on phones will be great, but there are not enough apps and those that are there simply don’t work. 

So anyway, I got it. And after being disappointed initially win the the battery, I am sat here writing this post on it. Turning off some of the background tasks has meant battery can easily last a day now.

The Apple Watch is an indulgence for me. Let me be clear, it serves no real purpose. I could do everything better on my phone then on the watch.

But that doesn’t mean I want too. I enjoy having the notifications on my wrist. It saves me time, it stops me checking my phone all the time and it looks pretty cool.

There are some nice features on there which I will review in the future as well. I was looking at android wear and an android phone, but I am glad I made he choice to apple. It costs me nothing extra a month, infact I get more, for less!

The watch did, however leave a nasty burn on my skin, I presume it was a bit too tight but I am still surprised at the state of the burn. Something I am defiantly keeping an eye on!

Anyway, that’s the end of my short update. Hopefully now I have the app on my phone I may well post more. Maybe.