Bett 2017
The time of BETT is on us. After a years hiatus, I am back for three days to take in the huge extent of the UKs largest Education IT show.
For many, BETT is a vital part of the year, allowing people to meet up, attend various events, or just browse the wide array of suppliers.
For me, BETT is a core part of CPD, infact, the only one the school provide. Everything else I source myself outside – but BETT, and being able to spend 3 days there is by no means a holiday.
I get ideas and contacts I utilise for meetings and development plans over the next year. Even now, 2 years after my last visit, I still refer to products and solutions I found whilst there.
It’s not really about specifics for me. It’s trends. It’s in depth conversations about potential. I have a pretty good grasp on whats here now, and a lot of stands that come and go are just reselling what has already been and gone – but there are gems of potential every year.
This year my focus is on MAC (the catholic equivalent of a MAT) connectivity (MPLS), MIS solutions for MACs, better software for engaging with parents (Is the Insight S/w we have from Tasc Software still the best fit?), Communication solutions (Is Intouch going anywhere in terms of development?) Computing resources – in particular Lego. Assessment management. OneNote on the MS stand and projection developments.
Follow me on Twitter (@msetchell) over the next week for my tweets, and I plan to write a blog post each night from my days there.