What you can do now to protect your school from cyber attacks

Published by Matt Setchell on

  1. Deliver comprehensive, targeted training to all staff, whatever their role. Regularly. Adapt it for their role in the environment- and ensure that it’s delivered by engaging professionals
  2. Check who has access to what. Do you know who has admin access and to what? Do they need it? Is it a different account to their normal account? Do you have a process of checking users? Do you use single sign on?
  3. Have you enabled Multi Factor Authentication for all staff? have you done it on all platforms? Can you use single sign in to make this easier across multiple platforms?
  4. Do you have Remote Desktop? Don’t. Get rid. Now.
  5. Have you checked what software is being deployed as standard to your devices? Why is it? Is it being used? Is it up to date?
  6. Are your servers and devices running the latest versions of all software? Including office and windows? If not – why not? If you can’t afford to buy latest version and upgrade, you can’t afford to be hit by a cyber attack
  7. Do you have filtering in place to stop people downloading random crap? Not just for safeguarding?
  8. What protection do you have from incoming emails being phishing or malware? Is your domain protected from others using your identity?
  9. Do you only keep the data you need too? Or are you hoarding stuff just in case it gets out in a cyber attack?
  10. Do you still even have on premise servers? Why?
  11. Do you have backups? Of everything? Multiple copies, in multiple locations? And do you test restores?
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